You must be a Permanent Resident of Canada and have no unfulfilled conditions related to your PR status
you must have been physically present in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 1,095 days during the five years right before the date you sign your application
Time lived in Canada as a temporary resident within the last 5 years prior to obtaining permanent resident status is counted as 1/2 day
You must file taxes in Canada for at least 3 years during the 5 years right before the date you apply if you were required to
If you are 18 to 54 years old, you must prove you can speak and listen in English or French at level 4 of Canadian Language Benchmarks or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien.
For the final requirement, if you are 18 to 54 years old, you will need to take a test to meet the knowledge requirement for citizenship. The test is about Canada’s:
Rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship, such as voting in elections and obeying the law